Fill in your eToken information to complete the listing process
List your eToken for the first time
Update your existing eToken listing
Basic listing package
5,000 StarCrystal
Enhanced visibility with search suggestions
25,000 StarCrystal
All features + Pinned on rank table
50,000 StarCrystal
Please send 5,000 StarCrystal to the following address:
Please copy the above information and send it to:
We will review your listing request and process it as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: How are multiple Pinned eTokens displayed and ordered?
Pinned eTokens in the designated area are dynamically sorted based on their trading volume.
Q2: Can I get my StarCrystal back if I want to remove my eToken listing?
The genesis address can initiate a deletion request, but StarCrystal fees are non-refundable.